One year ago, the McKinsey Health Institute was founded on a bold conviction — that humanity could add six years of higher quality life for every person on the planet, a collective 45 billion extra years over the next decade.


One year ago, the McKinsey Health Institute was founded on a bold conviction — that humanity could add six years of higher quality life for every person on the planet, a collective 45 billion extra years over the next decade.

We set out to advance this vision by joining committed health leaders around the globe to build new ecosystems. We published research on critical topics, such as addressing the global burden of brain health challenges, how to harness society's demographic shift toward older populations, and mapping the 23 modifiable drivers of human health — 19 of which sit outside the conventional health care system. Over the summer, we supported the national rollout of the 988 crisis hotline in the US and continue to support its nationwide success.

Looking forward, we’re focused on catalyzing action, guided by the belief that health is everyone’s business. Through multi-year collaborations, we will continue to work with partners across the public, private, and social sectors to scale impact and publish needed research that helps work toward a healthier world.

We are proud of what we’ve accomplished — and understand how much work there is ahead of us. Thank you for being a part of our journey in year one. We invite you to read on, and share your reflections on MHI’s first year.

With best wishes,
The MHI team


1 Year


Impact at a glance



By the numbers



ecosystem collaborations with organizations dedicated to advancing human health worldwide



website views, driven by more than 500k unique visitors engaging with our research, health focus areas, collaborations, and leadership



multi-format publications, bringing both data and lived experience to human health topics



speaking invitations to global events that convened thousands of leaders across sectors and industries



countries represented by MHI leaders across Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East



individuals reached around the world on social media




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