
June signifies the unofficial start of summer, a vibrant season filled with sunshine and outdoor activities that can bring people together. It is also a great opportunity for reflection. And so, in this edition, we would like to share how the public sector can implement practical methods to deliver more for people. You and other government leaders worldwide are grappling with significant challenges, including inflation, budget constraints, and workforce shortages. At the same time, trust in institutions — particularly government — is near a historic low. By embracing innovation, exploring outcome-based metrics, and adopting an investor-like mindset, state and local governments can rebuild trust and confidence, and enhance their operational efficiency and effectiveness, providing superior services to the public.

Please contact us with topics you’d like us to cover, other feedback or questions.

Thank you for your service,
Tim Ward and Jess Kahn from McKinsey’s US State & Local Government Practice

What you might want to know
How to: Harness Innovation in Government for Productivity and Experience

Learn how governments can transform through innovation to improve services and increase productivity. Register for our upcoming webinars and join our Public Sector How To series. You can also access our past webinars where former government leaders join our McKinsey Experts, sharing top insights, capabilities, and practice tips in helping governments deliver better for the public.

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Rethinking US productivity for a new era

It is an aspirational prospect and one with historical precedent. In 1995, five-year productivity growth averaged 1.6 percent, only for productivity to jump to 3 percent the following decade. Recent technological advances, including in AI and biotechnology as well as productivity spikes since the global COVID-19 pandemic, raised hopes that perhaps another boost may lie ahead.

US labor productivity is running well below its long-term average

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